our roots

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates

Our story begins with Georgie, the Gold Drip Co. founder. She is a qualified naturopath, which means she knows what she’s talking about when it comes to health and wellbeing. When the turmeric obsession hit Melbourne, she had to see for herself what the hype was all about. Following a traditional Ayurvedic turmeric milk recipe, she made her first turmeric latte at home.

Georgie was sceptical as she took her first sip, but the delicious, soothing, sunshine-in-a-cup flavour was a welcome surprise. The rich flavour was rather addictive, making it easy to load up on those health benefits. Soon enough, she was drinking one of these smooth golden elixirs every day.

Yet the turmeric lattes served up at cafés were always disappointing and never as good as homemade. It was like going from the best specialty-roasted coffee beans in Melbourne to instant coffee. Determined to show the world just how great a turmeric latte can taste, Georgie set to work in the kitchen, refining her own fresh turmeric latte blend. Soon enough, the superior Gold Drip experience was being sought after all over Melbourne.

Georgie has now moved to the UK and Michelle Stehbens has been lucky enough to be the new custodian of Gold Drip!

Bringing the freshest, unprocessed ingredients straight from the earth to your cup, Gold Drip is unlike any turmeric latte you’ve tasted before.